Bibliografía de Evaluación Colaborativa

Ackerman, S. J., Hilsenroth, M. J., Baity, M. R., & Blagys, M. D. (2000). Interaction of therapeutic process and alliance during psychological assessment. Journal of Personality Assessment75(1), 82–109.

Aldea, M. A., Rice, K. G., Gormley, B., & Rojas, A. (2010). Telling perfectionists about their perfectionism: Effects of providing feedback on emotional reactivity and psychological symptoms. Behaviour Research and Therapy48(12), 1194–1203.

Armstrong, J. (2012). Therapeutic assessment of a dissociating client: Learning internal navigation. In S. E. Finn, C. T. Fischer, & L. Handler (Eds.), Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment: A casebook and guide (pp. 27–46). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Aronow, E., Reznikoff, M., & Moreland, K. (1994). The Rorschach technique: Perceptual basics, content interpretation, and applications. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

Aschieri, F. (2010). Un exemple d’évaluation collaborative: Aaron ou la connaissance terrifiante [An example of a collaborative assessment: Aaron or the terrifying knowledge]. In S. Sultan & L. Chudzik (Eds.), Du diagnostique au traitement dans la pratique psychologique: Rorschach et MMPI-2 (pp. 187–202). Wavre: Mardaga. PDF

Aschieri, F. (2011). Epistemological and ethical challenges in standardized testing and collaborative assessment. Journal of Humanistic Psychology52(3), 350–368. PDF

Baity, M. R. (2010). Therapeutic Assessment with the PAI. In M. A. Blais, M. R. Baity, & C. J. Hopwood (Eds.), Clinical applications of the Personality Assessment Inventory (pp. 211–228). New York, NY: Routledge.

Barbieri, V., Jacquemin, A., & Biasoli Alves, Z. M. M. (2007). O Psicodiagnóstico Interventivo como método terapêutico no tratamento infantil: Fundamentos teóricos e prática clínica [Interventional psychodiagnosis as a therapeutic method in child treatment: Theoretical foundations and clinical practice]. Psico38(2), 174–181.

Becker, E., Yehia, G. Y., Donatelli, M. F., & Ewerton Santiago, M. D. (2002). Interventive assessment with children and their parents in group meetings: Professional training and storybook feedback. The Humanistic Psychologist30(1-2), 114–124.

Blonigen, D. M., Timko, C., Jacob, T., & Moos, R. H. (2015). Patient-centered feedback on the results of personality testing increases early engagement in residential substance use disorder treatment: A pilot randomized controlled trial. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice10(9), 1–7.

Brenner, E. (2003). Consumer-focused psychological assessment. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice34(3), 240–247.

Brodsky, S. L. (1972). Shared results and open files with the client. Professional Psychology3(4), 362–364.

Byers, C. C. (2002). Chronicle of a collaborative assessment: A Rorschach letter. The Humanistic Psychologist30(1-2), 63–74.

Castro, D. (2014). Serge, ou la phobie sociale à l’épreuve de l’Evaluation Thérapeutique [Serge or social phobia confronted by Therapeutic Assessment]. Le Journal Des Psychologues10(323), 32–36.

Craddick, R. A. (1972). Humanistic assessment: A reply to Brown. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, and Practice9, 107–110.

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Dana, R. H. (1982). Communication of assessment findings. In R. H. Dana (Ed.), A human science model for personality assessment with projective techniques (pp. 217–251). Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas.

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Del Giudice, M. J., Yanovsky, B., & Finn, S. E. (2014). Personality assessment and feedback practices among executive coaches: In search of a paradigm. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research66(3), 155–172.

Dorr, D. (1981). Conjoint psychological testing in marriage therapy: New wine in old skins. Professional Psychology12(5), 549–555.

Dubé, J. É., & Noël, R. (2015). Les représentations mentales de l’enfant chez les parents?: Situation, illustrations et réflexions sur les catalyseurs de changements en évaluation thérapeutique de l’enfant [Parents’ mental representations of their children: Context, illustrations and reflections on the mechanisms of change in therapeutic assessment with children]. Pratiques Psychologiques21(4), 375–388.

DuBose, T. (2002). Family-centered, strength-based assessments with special needs children: A human-science approach. The Humanistic Psychologist30(1-2), 125–135.

Ellis, T. E., Green, K. L., Allen, J. G., Jobes, D. A., & Nadorff, M. R. (2012). Collaborative assessment and management of suicidality in an inpatient setting: Results of a pilot study. Psychotherapy49(1), 72–80.

Engelman, D. H., & Allyn, J. B. (2012). Collaboration in neuropsychological assessment: Metaphor as intervention with a suicidal adult. In S. E. Finn, C. T. Fischer, & L. Handler (Eds.), Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment: A casebook and guide (pp. 69–92). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

Engelman, D. H., Allyn, J. B., Crisi, A., Finn, S. E., Fischer, C. T., & Nakamura, N. (2016). “Why am I so stuck?”: A Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment case discussion. Journal of Personality Assessment98(4), 360–373.

Engelman, D. H., & Frankel, S. A. (2002). The three-person field: Collaborative consultation to psychotherapy. The Humanistic Psychologist30(1-2), 49–62.

Essig, G. N., & Kelly, K. R. (2013). Comparison of the effectiveness of two assessment feedback models in reducing career indecision. Journal of Career Assessment21(4), 519–536.

Evans, F. B. (2005). Trauma, torture, and transformation in the forensic assessor. Journal of Personality Assessment84(1), 25–28.

Evans, F. B. (2012a). Assessment in psychological trauma: Methods and intervention. In L. Lopez Levers (Ed.), Trauma counseling: Theories and interventions (pp. 471–492). New York, NY: Springer.

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Evans, F. B. (2016). What torture survivors teach assessors about being more fully human. Journal of Personality Assessment98(6), 590–593.

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Fowler, J. C. (2012). Therapeutic Assessment for a treatment in crisis following multiple suicide attempts. In S. E. Finn, C. T. Fischer, & L. Handler (Eds.), Collaborative/ Therapeutic Assessment: A case book and guide (pp. 113–132). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley.

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Gorske, T. T. (2008). Therapeutic neuropsychological assessment: A humanistic model and case example. Journal of Humanistic Psychology48(3), 320–339.

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Gutierrez, P. M., Brenner, L. A., Olson-Madden, J. H., Breshears, R. E., Homaifar, B. Y., Betthauser, L. M., … Adler, L. E. (2009). Consultation as a means of veteran suicide prevention. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice40(6), 586–592.

Handler, L. (1995). The clinical use of figure drawings. In C. Newmark (Ed.), Major psychological assessment instruments (pp. 206–293). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

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Handler, L. (1999). Assessment of playfulness: Hermann Rorschach meets D. W. Winnicott. Journal of Personality Assessment72(2), 208–217.

Handler, L. (2006). The use of therapeutic assessment with children and adolescents. In S. R. Smith & L. Handler (Eds.), The clinical assessment of children and adolescents: A practitioner’s handbook (pp. 53–72). Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum.

Handler, L. (2008). Supervision in therapeutic and collaborative assessment. In A. Hess, K. Hess, & T. Hess (Eds.), Psychotherapy supervision: Theory, research, and practice (2nd ed., pp. 200–222). New York: John Wiley & Sons.

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Hanson, W. E., & Poston, J. M. (2011). Building confidence in psychological assessment as a therapeutic intervention: An empirically based reply to Lilienfeld, Garb, and Wood (2011). Psychological Assessment23(4), 1056–1062.

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Hilsenroth, M. J., Peters, E. J., & Ackerman, S. J. (2004). The development of therapeutic alliance during psychological assessment: Patient and therapist perspectives across treatment. Journal of Personality Assessment83(3), 332–344.

Hilsenroth, Mark J, Ackerman, S. J., Clemence, A. J., Strassle, C. G., & Handler, L. (2002). Effects of structured clinician training on patient and therapist perspectives of alliance early in psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training39(4), 309–323.

Hobza, C., & Macdonald, H. (2016). Using Collaborative/Therapeutic Assessment in a psycho-educational context. In R. Valle (Ed.), The changing faces of therapy: Evolving perspectives in clinical practice and assessment (pp. 35–53). Alameda, CA: Argosy University Press.

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